The Mighty Man M5 Network is a weekly gathering of a band of 5 brothers who connect online or in person to share life, share scriptures, and lock shields together in warfare prayer.
The Mighty Man M5 Network Includes:
> Monthly Newsletter > Monthly Training Webinar > Weekly Devotionals
Cost: $150/person which includes food, accommodation, and registration
This is a place where dads become fathers and boys become men. “He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers.” Malachi 4:6
1288 Loyalist Road North Wiltshire, PE May 31-June 1, 2024
Cost: $75/person which includes food, accommodation, and registration
This is a place where dads become fathers and boys become men. “He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers.” Malachi 4:6
This is a monthly online training for men’s group leaders that includes:
> Cultivating Relationships with other Leaders > Mighty Man Leadership Training > Testimonies > Upcoming Mighty Man Events > Sharing and Encouragement > Locking Shields in Warfare Prayer
If you lead a men's group apply to join the Mighty Man Leadership Network
Mighty Man
Leadership Training
(Monthly Webinar for Men’s Leadership)
> Mighty Man M5 Testimonies > Kingdom Relationships > This Months Mission > Advanced Leadership Training > Warfare Prayer + Blessing Time